- 专门针对covid-19及流感开发的中医在线诊断系统
- 100%纯天然药物(颗粒剂/科学中药)(另付)
- 基于已经在中国成熟应用数百年的中医经典温病理论进行处方
- 全程无接触,无交叉传播风险
- 在治疗期间进行在线指导,并根据病情变化迅速调整处方及用药
- 改善新冠/流感病毒症状.
- 减少部分人施打疫苗后的副作用.
- 改善新冠病毒后遗症.
- 也可以用于一般流感或热性传染性疾病的治疗.
- 在线实时问诊(如需Zoom meeting,请从在线预约系统中预定)
- 在线诊断及病情跟踪系统(专为Covid-19及流感设计)
- 根据病情的快速变化及时调整用方,选用中药颗粒剂(又名科学中药,药费另计)可方便、快速的服用
- 中药服用指导
- 饮食宜忌及生活方式指导
- 刮痧拔罐等穴位指导(如可行)
- 基于安全需要,我们仅进行在线诊断与咨询,无线下面对面接触。
- 首次在线咨询请点击页面左下角的在线咨询窗口图标。
- 前10分钟或前两条在线咨询免费,请在跟医师沟通确认后再转入正式付费咨询。
- 每次咨询仅针对患者当前同新冠病毒相关的主要症状。
- 费用不含中药费用,需另外购买。
- 有效期为付款之日起7天。
- 个别情况下,可能根据实际工作量收取额外费用。
- 无法处理任何紧急情况。如果遇到紧急情况,请去医院就医或拨打111。
This online health consultation and herbal medicine is NOT a substitute for the conventional Covid-19 treatment. Patients should not rely solely on this to make a single judgment on the health situation of the body.
If you have symptoms related to the Covid-19, you need to do the test ASAP. If you are confirmed to be infected with the Covid-19, you firstly need to perform relevant operations in accordance with the guidance and requirements of relevant government departments, and you should seek medical treatment in time as guided.
If you have any following symptoms, you need urgent medical help, call 111 immediately and tell them this is Covid-19 related:
- finding it difficult to breathe
- feeling faint, passing out
- very difficult to wake up
- blue around the mouth
- very pale and cold
- having severe chest pain
- extremely unwell.
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