Tag Archives: Covid-19

[Case study]One case where the whole family was infected with the Covid-19 and had a high fever

The patient is a female, 35+ years old, Asian. Two days ago, her throat became sore and itchy, and she felt her body hot and cold alternatively. Since yesterday afternoon, she has felt weak in her legs. At night, she got high fever to above 39 degrees, accompanied by nasal congestion, headache, no sweat, and […]

[Case study] Herbal medicine helps with two Covid-19 cases

One patient, female, over 40 years old, Asian, complained of being positive for the Covid-19 test. After she and her husband had dinner with another family, the other party informed her that they were diagnosed with the Covid-19 positive. She immediately did the self-test and it was positive, and her husband tested negative. Her current […]

Care of children after being vaccinated against COVID-19

First of all, I emphasize that whether children should be vaccinated against the COVID-19 is not within the scope of this article, and it is up to parents to make their own judgments based on existing information and their own wisdom. This article only introduces some care references for those who have decided to vaccinate. […]