Acupuncture treatment fee


  1. When fire needling, ear needling, blood letting , etc. is applied to L1 patients, extra $20 will be charged. Not apply to L2/L3 patients.
  2. When Master Lin’s therapy is necessary for the treatment, $40/15 minutes will be charged. For one whole Master Lin’s therapy, $600 will be charged per treatment。
  3. For L2 patients who require long-term treatment with a fixed course, the cost per course is $ 1000  (including 10 treatments).
  4. With herbal treatment, +$20 plus herb fees.
  5. For other special therapies, see the treatment guide.

Herbal medicine treatment fee

Consultation fee:  first visit $65,   follow up $55

Herbal medicine fee:  $15/day* (Add $2-5/day when expensive herbs are used. ), herbal granule in GMP standard, normally 3-7 days dosage.  With acupuncture treatment:  +$40-60.

*The price doesn’t apply to the large dosage use(+$1/gram).


  1. For children or patients with specific medical conditions, topical herbal therapy can be used at a cost of $ 40 for 3 days.
  2. If the patient needs to deliver herbal medicine,  a delivery fee will apply.
  3. If the patient needs to separately issue a prescription measured in the form of raw herbs, a fee of $ 20 will be charged.