Care of children after being vaccinated against COVID-19

First of all, I emphasize that whether children should be vaccinated against the COVID-19 is not within the scope of this article, and it is up to parents to make their own judgments based on existing information and their own wisdom. This article only introduces some care references for those who have decided to vaccinate.
In my TCM judgment, the coronavirus belongs to the heat evil among the Febrile disease scope. Therefore, its nature is heat/fire. All post-vaccine adverse reactions confirmed this. The treatment for the adverse reactions after the vaccine is the treatment for the heat evil that enters the human body through the vaccine. Among them, the one that must not be done is the sweating method no matter using traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine. I have emphasized this many times. Therefore, it might not be appropriate to give children paracetamol(which causes sweating) to reduce fever if there is fever due to adverse reactions to the vaccine.
The nature of the Covid-19 is heat evil, so if my kid has a fever after vaccination, can I use ice packs? The answer is no. There is a term in traditional Chinese medicine called “cold containment”, which means that heat evil can be frozen in the body by medicine with cold properties. As an example, It is quite common in China that children with fever had been infused with antibiotics in cold fluid for days, and eventually they are not getting better, but worse. They are due to the same reason”cold containment”. It is able to cause long-term health risks.
What can I do if my child has a fever or a sore throat? My own experience and method are to take traditional Chinese medicine to disperse heat evil. After the first injection, I had obvious symptoms of heat evil entering the body, red tongue, sore throat, itching eyes, fatigue, with floating and fast pulse, and it was relieved after taking traditional Chinese medicine for a week. By the second injection, when the average person’s reaction may be more severe, my body has almost no obvious reaction. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, no matter what the source of the heat evil is, as long as it is treated dialectical, it should be a good way to help the body reduce the risk. For mild adverse reactions, drinking chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, and mint in water also has a certain relieving effect. If children feel very thirsty, they can take some drink cooked with pears, water chestnuts, sugar cane, etc.
During the vaccination period, the parents must pay attention to some dietary taboos for kids. High-calorie foods such as fried should be banned, and cold drinks/ice cream should be banned. In the past, “vaccinate and get fried chicken” belonged to the behaviour of the ignorant.
The above-mentioned care knowledge is hidden in the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention and treatment of febrile diseases for hundreds of years. Hope it will help kids who are about to be vaccinated.

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