Author Archives: max1208

[Case study]One case of a nighttime cough

The patient, male, in his 60s, was the same person who had previously coughed with blood. He reported that he was not feeling well after the booster injection (the third injection) recently. At that time, his body was sore, which has now been relieved. But started coughing again. The difference is that the cough this […]

[Case study] ​​one case of cough with blood for more than half a year

One patient, male, over 60 years old, Asian, complained of coughing with blood for more than half a year, and all treatments were ineffective. Cough was due to an unknown cause, with thick yellow sputum, and dark purple blood. The day before, he coughed and spit out a small mouthful of blood, which was dark […]

[Case study] A case of stomach bloating, acid reflux, and hiccups

One patient, male, in his 30s, Asian, complained of recurrent stomach problems in the past two years. Symptoms include abdominal distension after meals, acid reflux, inability to eat more, frequent hiccups, uncomfortable bowel movement, and occasional stomach pain. The patient has a sturdy body, oily hair and face, like a person from Da Chai Hu […]

Care of children after being vaccinated against COVID-19

First of all, I emphasize that whether children should be vaccinated against the COVID-19 is not within the scope of this article, and it is up to parents to make their own judgments based on existing information and their own wisdom. This article only introduces some care references for those who have decided to vaccinate. […]

[Case study]One case of a child frequent spitting

One patient, male, over 2 years old, recently began to like to spit at others. The parents thought it was a bad habit and frequently asked him to stop it, but the effect was not good. Current status: normal body shape, good appetite, normal bowel movements and urination. The patient opens his mouth and his […]

[Case study] Acupuncture helps with the recurrence of right ankle sprain

One patient, male, forty years old, Asian, complained of a sore right ankle. The patient had a sprained ankle two years ago and was treated by a physiotherapist and acupuncturist, including electro-acupuncture treatment. He said that it took a long time for the treatment to recover. It has not been triggered by any certain external […]

What are the prevention and treatment misunderstandings that should be avoided under the New Zealand Covid-19 pandemic?

The current trend of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand is inevitable, and once infected with the virus, the first option is home isolation. In order to prevent the patients from taking improper preventive and self-treatment measures during the time, which may lead to the deterioration of the condition, I will specifically point out some […]


新西兰目前新冠大流行的趋势已经无可避免,而一旦感染病毒基本以居家隔离为主。为了防止大家采取不当的预防及自我治疗措施,而导致病情恶化,我特别指出一些预防及治疗的误区,供各位参考。 需要特别声明的是,这些观点大多来自于我查阅从明清古籍到80年代附近中医先贤的治疗经验,很多条教训都是疫病误治中无数条生命换来的。所以,也许部分观点跟大家看到的主流观点是不一致的。但这些东西是在历史长河中经过检验的。所以,大家自行判断即可。 中药用药禁止使用:桂枝汤,麻黄汤,葛根汤,青龙汤,藿香正气散,及其他具有发汗作用的辛温解表的药。 西药谨慎使用:各类具有发汗作用的感冒药,止痛药。我看报道有医生给患者用扑热息痛,我可以明确地说这个是对新冠无效,且因其发汗作用会有副作用的。 禁止使用的药食同源的食物或药材:肉桂,干姜等,不可用姜糖水来发汗。 禁止使用的其他疗法:艾灸,泡脚发汗。 一旦出现感冒症状,禁止食用的食物:羊肉,鸡肉,各类油炸、辛辣食物,奶酪等不易消化的食物。新冠病毒是热邪,就不能再给身体用热性食物了。 如果出现发烧,不要冰敷。尤其是对小朋友,不要冰敷!!!也不能过食寒凉。 另外,现在一旦生病,就是居家隔离,但是没有提供好的治疗手段,就等着病情恶化才有资格去医院,其实耽搁了早期治疗的黄金时期,非常可惜!从中医温病学来说,早期病在卫分是最容易治疗的阶段。所以,一定要记住,把握住刚开始出现感冒症状的一两天开展治疗是非常重要的! 另外,我不建议患者用中医预防方。一方面,很多预防方真伪难辨,水平参差;另一方面,防疫方只有针对个体体质进行纠偏,才能产生提升正气的作用,通用的防疫方在病毒传播力很强的情况下我认为意义不大,搞不好弄巧成拙。 最后,我建议如果是中医爱好者可以在家里备几个拔罐器、刮痧板甚至采血针。在使用得当的情况下,可以起到不错的效果。   【版权所有,未经许可请勿转载】    

Talking about the Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine

A vaccine is to inject a viral genetic material that does not have the ability to replicate and infect the body to induce the body’s natural resistance to produce antibodies. However, the analysis and judgment of vaccines is a headache for Chinese medicine, because Chinese medicine has formed a relatively mature system in febrile disease, […]

[Case study] One pediatric high fever case

The patient, male, 2 years old, had fever, runny nose, slightly tight and floating pulse, slippery and big pulse in the mid position, white and moist tongue coating, slightly red tongue body, red lips, no sweat, good spirits, sour smell of stool. The patient is cold in the exterior and hot in the interior, and […]