[Case study]One case where the whole family was infected with the Covid-19 and had a high fever

The patient is a female, 35+ years old, Asian. Two days ago, her throat became sore and itchy, and she felt her body hot and cold alternatively. Since yesterday afternoon, she has felt weak in her legs. At night, she got high fever to above 39 degrees, accompanied by nasal congestion, headache, no sweat, and vomited a lot of white sticky phlegm. Covid-19 self-tested positive. No shortness of breath, no dizziness and nausea, no thirst, good appetite, and no bowel movement yesterday. No cold hands and feet, no rash. The tongue is thin, white with a red tongue body. The patient is diagnosed by online video consultation, so there is no pulse diagnosis information. The combination of Jing Fang(classic formula) and Wen Bing Fang(warm disease formula) was used for treatment, and the dose of herbal medicine was given for five days.
On the second day, the patient’s son, 4 and a half years old, started to have a high fever of over 39 degrees the night before, headache, sore throat, cough, and sore legs. He had taken preventive herbal medicines three times, and his body was sweating, and it was 38 degrees in the morning. No phlegm. it was hard for him to have the stool out, and the urine is yellow. He did not want to drink water. Eating normally. His lips were dry, and his throat was not too red. Light tongue coating, with red tongue body. No pulse diagnosis information. The combination of Jing Fang and Wen Bing Fang was used for treatment, and herbal medicine was given for three days.
On the third day, the patient’s husband began to develop symptoms, with a very strong headache and high fever. The daughter has been taking preventive medicine but has also developed mid-low fever, sore throat and headache. Prescribed the medicine to them accordingly.
Judging from the feedback, the family’s Covid symptoms, including high fever, sore throat, headache, etc., were quickly and effectively relieved after taking the medicine, and the high fever was basically relieved in one day. Some family members still have some cough symptoms left. Generally, if the cough cannot be relieved on its own after the Covid, it will take a period of treatment and it will disappear.
A few points to discuss:
First, the practice has proved that the ancient prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine (including cold and warm disease) can effectively deal with the Covid virus, and the treatment effect is remarkable. The new generated formula by modern TCM may not have such good effects as the ancient ones.
Second, the spread of Covid-19 is quick and wide, and it is very common for the whole family to get affected together. In most cases, the entire family can use the same prescription, but it can be adjusted according to the characteristics of different patients and the characteristics of different treatment stages, and the effect will be better. In this case, the female patient and her son used different prescriptions, but when the daughter was affected in the later stage, due to the effect of preventive prescriptions in the early stage, the prescription was basically simplified to only the prescriptions for Wen bing(warm disease).

Case NO.078


Note: TCM doesn’t ‘treat’ any certain WM disease name. TCM has its own system and method to rebalance the human body, release the symptoms and help the body truly recover on its own. TCM treatment methods and effects are different according to individual differences, and the sharing of the case study does NOT constitute treatment recommendations.

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