Zhongjing herbal medicine therapy

1. What is Zhongjing classic herbal formula?

Zhong Jing herbal formula is based on the prescriptions in two great works of Zhang Zhongjing’s “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” and “An Outline of the Golden Chamber” in the Han Dynasty of China. They have been proved safe and effective with thousands of years of practice in China and other Asian countries, like Japan and Korea.

2. What are the characters of Zhongjing classic herbal formula?

Natural: Chinese herbal formula obtains healing energy from natural plants, and achieves different therapeutic effects through different drug combinations. Compared with Western medicine, Chinese herbal medicines are all taken from nature and have a natural ability to regulate human energy.
Safety: Zhong Jing herbal formula is the earliest herbal prescriptions in China. Although “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” was written 1700 years ago, it was the crystallization of the highest wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine tens of thousands of years ago. The safety of Jingfang’s application in the human body has been proved by long-term practice.
Efficient: Zhong Jing herbal formula has a more significant therapeutic effect compared to later times.
Low price: Zhong Jing herbal formula rarely uses expensive Chinese medicinal materials, so its price is low and it is a very cost-effective choice.
3. The choice of Chinese medicine and how to take it?
In the selection of Chinese medicinal materials, we choose high-quality concentrated Chinese medicine granules that comply with GMP standards from mainland China and Taiwan.
It has the characteristics of stable quality and convenient taking. It solves the problems of inconvenient decoction and unsatisfactory decoction quality caused by patients’ decoction.
It has been proved by many practices in Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places to achieve the same therapeutic effect as traditional Chinese medicine decoction.
The patient only needs to take the medicine with hot water (if there is a special method of taking, follow the doctor’s advice).

4. Zhongjing food therapy

Chinese herbal medicine and food have the same origin. We also provide herbal diets for daily maintenance. For details, please click on the shop.